PN Group - Regal und Metallbautechnik aus Schwanenstadt in Oberösterreich

About Us

Company History

PN Group Regal und Metallbautechnik GmbH was founded in 2014 by Richard Panhuber. It started with 2 construction teams, focusing on the assembly of steel structures, eg. steel halls, railway stations, parking garages, stair towers, etc.

In 2015, the first subsidiary company, PN Hungary Kft., opened in Hungary. In the same year, PN Group Regal und Metallbautechnik GmbH became the first company to be certified according to EN 1090, ISO 3834 Exc. 3, as well as SCCP and SCP norms. Since then, nothing has stood in the way of our rapid development. Several hundred successfully-completed construction sites around the world – in South Korea, America, Great Britain, Portugal, Norway, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Switzerland – speak for our growing prowess and continuing success.

PN Group - Regal und Metallbautechnik aus Schwanenstadt in Oberösterreich
About Block II